Thursday, September 30, 2010

"My Abuelita" by Tony Johnston

APA Citation:
Johnston, T. (2009). My abuelita. Orlando, Fl.:
        Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.


     A young Latino boy lives with his grandma.  He calls her abuelita. He spends his morning helping her prepare for her day of work.  They stretch, shower, yodel and load up her car with a lot of props.  The reader later learns that abuelita is a story teller. He decides that he wants the same career as his abuelita.


     This is a beautifully well- illustrated book.  The characters are made of clay and digitally altered to make the characters appear more realistic and friendly.  The colors of the grandma's clothing and her outfits displays abuelita's energy and creativity.  Each page is loaded with vibrant colors and something unusual.  The bright colors of purple, pink, and yellow provide warmth and a feeling of friendship.  The mexican folk art patterns included in the illustrations helps readers to remember that the characters are Latinos. Plus, the detailed clothing that the grandma wears helps the reader guess that abuelita may be an entertainer.

My Rating:  Thumbs up!

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